Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lack of posts!

I've been seriously behind the times in terms of posting blogs.  I mean to do it more often, but I get caught up with so many other things.

Anyway, I've been recently interested in modding my desktop.  For those who don't know, I built this computer about a month ago, although I've been meaning to do it for about a year now.  Any of those who are interested, I posted my specs at the end.  I've been trying to make mine pretty unique, and I've came up with some ideas.

  1. Green, not blue. My case (Antec 900 II) comes with the stock blue lightning on the fans, as pictured below:
    Anyway, I wanted this to be green, since green is clearly the best color in the world. So, I did.  I bought five new 120mm fans with green LEDs.  One small problem came from this: there wasn't a green version of the top fan (dubbed the "Big Boy" fan).  So, I have to manually go and do some rewiring/add new green LEDs.  I'm currently in that process; just waiting for the hot green LEDs to be delivered!
  2. Cold Cathode Tubes FTW. I recently learned about people who use Cold Cathodes (CC's) in their computers, and they look absolutely brilliant.  I ordered two green CCFL's in hopes that an experiment with my green machine would go successful!
  3. Side Panel. I've been having a few problems with my side panel.  There's an area where a fan would normally go, but there's just one small problem: my heatsink is way too big.  The only possible way it would work is if I cut a chunk off the top part of the fan.  Possible? Maybe, but I'm too scared to risk any unnecessary damage right now.
There are some more ideas crawling around, but I'm sticking to just a few things at a time.  I'll post some pictures from time to time.  Right now, here's what my machine looks like: 

My machine, somewhat all over the place.

Compare the blue LED on the left with the one on the right.  I didn't read the luminous intensity for the green LED when I bought it :P

What a beautiful color.

Antec 902 Case
ASUS P6X58D Premium
Noctua NH-U12P SE2
Intel i7 950 3.06 GHz
Corsair CMPSU-750TX 750-Watt TX Series
Corsair TR3X6G1600C8D Dominator 6 GB 3 x 2 GB DDR3

Anyway, that's all for now.  I'll be posting pictures of my new machine once things come in!

Until next time,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halo Reach theme for Windows 7

Just found this online: Windows has a theme specifically for Halo: Reach.  It's pretty amazing. Go try some of the other themes on Microsoft's website as well! They are very sleek and well-made. :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Blog!

So, I decided to create a blog for myself.  I figured that whoever decided to read this would be able to catch up on some nifty tricks and adaptations on computers that I've learned over the past few years, along with just basic stuff with my life.  This blog will probably end up being more relevant towards PC and Linux users versus Mac users, but I do own all systems and I will try to be fair :).

To start off, I don't really have anything necessarily planned to write about tonight, since I'm just customizing things, but I wanted to go ahead and say that if you haven't seen Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, go do it right now.  It's incredibly funny, and it really appeals to the nerd/geek/videogame mass.  Even if you hate Michael Cera, you will still find it quite enjoyable.

I actually like the pink hair.
Anyway, go see it.  Download the album, too.  It's great stuff.