Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3/5 - 3/9 CS373 Blog Post

Good evening everybody.

At last, we are finally in Spring Break! Although it is great to not have to deal with school for a full week, it is kind of unfortunate that we have to work on a project.  Let alone, we have to work on this project with 5 other people, hoping that all of our schedules will match up properly.

The project seems like it'll be an interesting project to work on, but one that will have to be worked on very slowly since we are in groups with more than 2 people.  Since we all (or at least most of us) haven't had experience using the Google App Engine or ElementTree, we'll have to research and work on it together in order to be fluent with it.  I've been taking a look at it myself for a little bit, and while it doesn't seem too bad, we definitely will have to do some decent collaboration in order to make any headway into the project.  So far, it seems like all of us will be available within the second half of spring break; more notably the weekend following. We'll have a lot of cramming to do in order to get this project done by next Wednesday! On top of that, we have an exam next Friday.  What seemed like a nice vacation now just seems like a lot of work being pushed off until next week!

In class last week, we discussed the topic of overloading functions and overloading generics.  I had basic knowledge of how that was used, and it seems like most of us use it subconsciously when writing out functions.  I tend to design functions to support a decent amount of data structures.  Maybe not every single kind, because then that just means I may have to re-consider the complete structure of my program.  In Java, it's really a pain because of how *gross* the syntax really looks.  Compared to Python, it is rather disgusting, but I suppose necessary if we want functions to be supported by a variety of data types.  I mean, comparing

private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T max2 (T x, T y)


def my_max (x, y)

is a definite difference. Since Python is typeless too, this helps in dealing with possible types that are to be passed in as parameters.

It'll be an interesting end to the break to see how things progress with the project. We'll see what happens! Hope everyone is enjoying their break.

Until next time,


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