Saturday, April 7, 2012

4/2 - 4/6 CS373 Blog Post

Good evening everyone.

This past week was fairly busy with the World Crises part two project.  A lot of work was put into our project from all of our members, and the results turned out really well!  The website interface has been improved thanks to Matt; the design looks a lot more sophisticated.  With Garrett's help on the changes to the import script, and Andy's help on export, we now have a fully functional importer and exporter that takes in XML data that conforms to the newest, standard schema.  Fahad kept us sane with unit and acceptances tests for the Google App Engine and our scripts, and Wes did an outstanding job with the initial paper, along with the GAE and UML design charts.  As for me? I worked alongside Matt working with the Django templates and primarily with pulling data out of the Google App Engine.  Our team is working really well.  As a matter of fact, we actually got our project finished up by Monday.  Everyone has their primarily responsibility, but we still understand each other's responsibilities.  It's really amazing, and it's wonderful to know that everyone in the group is willing to commit themselves to do their best on this project!

In class, we had talked in depth about classes, subclasses, and how instance and class methods work.  To be honest, I had never really understood the use of keywords like public, private, static, et cetera.  They never really emphasized those key terms in 307 or 315.  But now it makes much more sense!  In Java projects, I've been used to shamefully throwing 'public static' or any other key term on every function, without really understanding that these are in fact, class methods.  This is such an incredibly grateful thing to have learned, and I'm glad that I now fully understand it.  This actually was helpful on Friday.  I wasn't in class that day because I had an interview with Evernote Corporations.  An interview question they had asked me was to design a brand new framework in a language of my choice of two dimensional geometric shapes.  My idea, in short, was to create a general class, Shape, that had subclasses such as Triangle, Square, Rhombus, et cetera.  These different subclasses would inherit properties by the general Shape class, such as number of points, average length (assuming that all sides were equal in length), and so on.  They had also asked me about making a function that determines the area of a given Shape, and to decide what key words would be included in the function declaration.  I had decided that it should be an instance method because the area of a given Shape requires certain things that can only be conceived with instances.  So, what I had learned this week actually helped in the short run; not just for interviews, but for my complete understanding.

Anyway, it seems like we are also learning a bit of SQL, something which I am pretty familiar with.  Looks like we will be talking more about it next week. I can't wait!

Until next time,


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