Sunday, April 1, 2012

3/26 - 3/30 CS373 Blog Post

Good evening all.

Sorry for this blog post being a little bit late.  I've got quite a lot on my hands: some Korean homework, a Network Security and Privacy project due Thursday, this project due Wednesday, 4 films I need to watch for Sociology alongside a 3 page (single-spaced) paper about said films due on Friday.  Not my cup of tea; this will definitely be one of my more stressful weeks in the semester.

Our team is currently pounding away at the WC project.  I think we're on a pretty good page with all that we've done so far.  We've managed to get dynamic pages working and our import and export functions seem to be spewing out correct data.  All in all, our team is moving things in rapid pace and we are doing (in my opinion at least) a pretty good job!  Each person kind of has their own strengths in the project, which is interesting and kind of cool.  It's like each person has a certain subset of tools/code that they're familiar with using/developing and they're able to mesh their stuff with everyone else's stuff, and it just works.  I've never really worked in a small developmental group as this, but it is pretty awesome to see how everyone can come together and put in their two cents and create something pretty darn awesome.  I could only imagine how tedious this project would be if it was assigned per individual!

About class: we're getting into some pretty in-depth stuff.  I haven't been very clear with the whole class in a class idea throughout college.  I actually didn't know that static variables declared in an outer class have full visibility to sub classes.  It makes sense, but I never really thought about that; I guess because none of the programs I've ever coded in class ever used sub-classes.  It's interesting but also difficult to wrap my head around.  I guess it's just something I need to mess with myself in order to fully understand it.  Also, I'm not a huge fan of Python's unusual syntax for private variables.  I mean, it makes sense and all; I just think that they could have come up with a better macro than just two underbars.

We're also getting into constructors and deconstructors.  Honestly, I've never dealt with them in Java.  Mainly in C++ when I was learning it.  I think of them as creating properties and data for variables as they are being instantiated, and then properly removed when their deconstructor is called.  I never really understood the deconstructor, mainly because I never implemented anything in them.  I can only assume we will talk about something like that later on, though.

Well, this is it for now.  I must get some rest! It'll be a busy day tomorrow.

Until next time,


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