Thursday, January 27, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2!

Yep, you read it correctly!  Square Enix announced about a week ago that they are making a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII!  This is ridiculously exciting news...I'm a huge FFXIII fan.  Not many veteran Final Fantasy gamers were excited about the game, or this news for that matter.  A lot of people criticized XIII for its linear gameplay as well as some annoyances of the voice acting/dubbing.  I didn't really know this until today, but apparently there is a huge difference in the style of games between the West and the East.

We (being the US) are known to produce games that invoke multiplayer capability and are more focused on quick, fancy, and dramatic gameplay.  That is, with franchises such as Halo, Call of Duty, World at Warcraft, etc., the dimension of social gameplay is slowly shadowing over solo-only games, like Zelda.  The East, on the other hand, focuses on quality, plot, and development of the story and characters throughout the game.  This is where differences tend to collide.  Many gamers were not very happy with the result of Final Fantasy XIII because it lacked a lot of components that are almost seemingly required in games now days.  Furthermore, the English dubbing was a bit much at times.  I can't recall how many times I would get annoyed with Hope's annoying remarks, let alone his voice.  However, in the East, this is completely different.  The voice acting, the lines, everything is remarkable.  In the Asian countries, these voice actors are almost literally celebrities.  They are very well-known for the roles they play voices for.  You look back at us, and voice actors are sometimes almost unknown to us.  I mean, yeah, you might know Ali Hillis, who played Lightning's voice, but have you ever heard of Georgia van Cuylenburg, who played Vanille's voice?

Anyway, I'm pretty pumped about this.  Square Enix has already announced that the world of the next installment will be "dark and mysterious," and the game is set to begin right where you left off, on Gran Pulse.  So, this is already a promising sign of more freedom right from the beginning.  Who knows?  I guess we'll just have to wait for more information out of Square Enix.  In the mean time, here's a screenshot of the new Lightning in seemingly Valkyrie armor:

So awesome.

Until next time,



  1. < Go there and read that. I have read and heard that honestly...they are about 5 years behind in the gaming industry. I know that is a major reason why the head of namco quit. - Un~Ron

  2. That's really interesting, I didn't know about that. I guess it goes to show that again, they aren't really interested in the whole online multiplayer aspect of games. I mean, look at Super Smash Bros. Brawl. No real level up system, no ways to party up (that well), and the online system is subpar.

  3. Exactly. Not to mention a lot of the stellar games are coming from game designers over here. Competition is steep even if they are using the Wii or PS3. - Me again lol. And it's retarded because I mean they pushed back the new zelda game so far that it won't come out until the end of this year.

  4. Indeed. I'm very skeptical about this new Zelda game. I know that these years have been about introducing motion controlled games, but I guess (and this is just my opinion) I'm more favorable to button-controlled games, with authentic controllers. I'd rather play Zelda on a controller than move my arms around to simulate a swing.

  5. It's fun to me either way....idk. I totally get what you are saying...I mean I am just so obviously better at brawl with the old controller. There is a lot of stuff that they have done in the past that they should bring the giant map in wind waker...or having your gameboy hook up so someone can control that green dude haha. Idk...

  6. Yeah, I'm not completely sure the direction Nintendo is going with things. Who knows? Honestly, I'd love to see a new Star Fox!
